Blog tagged as Investment Properties

Good News For Brisbane Property Investors!

Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are the three biggest investing hubs in Australia, however according to Core Logic, the city that is achieving the highest rental yields is Brisbane.

As at July 2016 Brisbane’s rental yields were sitting at 4.3% per annum, whilst Sydney and Melbourne were at 3.1% a...

02-05-17 08:21 PM - Comment(s)
Winners Are Grinners

Calla Property has just been awarded a place in the ‘Top 75 Investment Blogs and Websites for Property Investors’ roll of honours.

We are very proud to announce that we came 60th internationally and 18th in Australia.

We love bringing news, tips and inside property information to our clients and it’s ...

20-04-17 10:22 PM - Comment(s)
They Are Calling It “Rentvesting”
Property prices are growing faster than your wages which means that every month you put money aside for a deposit, the market is moving further out of reach. Millennials from modest families have been brought up with the attitude of keep your head down, work hard, save up and buy your own home first...
16-03-17 09:33 PM - Comment(s)
How Scary Is Australian Retirement? How Much Money Do We Really Need To Retire Comfortably?

Australia’s retirement system is known to be among the best in the world. With the government’s age pension and mandatory “Superannuation Guarantee” programs from employers, it has far exceeded other industrial nations like the United States when it comes to high individual savings rate.

However, Au...

26-02-16 11:00 PM - Comment(s)
Changes To Investment Lending
I’ve had many clients ask me about recent changes to banking policy in regards to Investment Loans. The APRA decisions are interesting.  In my view they're trying to find a way to counteract the property heating effect that the RBA rate cuts are having in Sydney. 

The government is trying t...
04-08-15 05:45 PM - Comment(s)
Are One Bedroom Apartments Making A Comeback?
In the 1950’s we were introduced to the ‘Great Australian Dream’. A big house on a big block of land. The Hills hoist featuring in the large back yard. Large enough for all the neighbourhood kids to gather for daily cricket matches through the long summer afternoons. Baby boomers raised their famili...
20-05-15 10:32 PM - Comment(s)
What Do You Need To Know About Getting A Loan?

Applying for your first home loan can be a daunting task and I’m often amazed at the preconceptions people have about lending policy.  So what do you need to know and what are the banks looking for?


Security means th...
30-04-15 05:46 PM - Comment(s)
Changing Market
Last week the Calla Property Team went to Brisbane for the week. We met with property clients as part of our due diligence and are very pleased to report that we have some more fantastic investment stock for our clients. 

We visited a number of sites and show rooms ranging from small boutique de...
24-03-15 09:19 PM - Comment(s)